What's New
Use our web forums to post job opportunities, request volunteers for an activity, or to volunteer for an area of your interest. In addition to posting a job on the ECH forum, you can visit the appropriate member organizations' job and career pages and post there. See Member Job Links from the ECH table of contents.
What We Do
- Sponsor Science & Engineering Fair of Houston
- Sponsor Houston Museum of Natural Science high school interns
- Recognize outstanding corporate contributions to science, technology, engineering, and math education for grades K-12
- Partner with education non-profit organizations to provide tools and support for teachers
- Provide conferences about scientific issues concerning Houston
- Help member organizations publicize events
- Provide web links to career information and job opportunities
- Provide articles and web links to information about science, technology, engineering, and math
- For more information please contact Matthew Johnson at omj@freese.com.